Sunday, January 17, 2010

rasa nak mencrt~

haih, ssh kan nak phm ape yg org type ni... yela tak da expression... tp to me kalo nak baca sesuatu yg ada mukadimah nye kena la ada expresi... disbb kan tak phm expresi, n kepala keras mcm batu mcm tepi laut tu, mula la nak maki hamun org kan... haih... aku da la pntg org yg usik pasal family aku... kalo dye yg bg makan family aku tak pe gak... skit pun tak da usik dye... ni nak emo bnda yg tanpa selidik... mmg berangin la aku kan... jgn pkir kepala hangin sendiri... org len pun ada kepala hangin... selg aku boleh sbr, aku sbr... tp ada thp kesbrnnye gak...
hidup ni jgn nak ikut kepala sendiri.. dunia ni bukan sendiri punya.. hdp ngan ramai org... bukan hdp sorang2 mcm ALIEN... mulut org mmg tak leh ttup, tp mulut tmpyn leh dttp... btul gak kata org, kalo otak da sempit tak leh nak wat pe... duduk la ditakuk yg lama... dunia da maju... maju kan la otak yg allah bg...


Sunday, January 10, 2010


hye guys...
2010 msti ada azam baru kan... ceh sebut pasal azam ni mcm poyo gak kekdg... tp almost human ada kehendakkan... mcm tu juga sy...umur pun da semkin meningkat... takkan nak dok di takuk yg lama kan ?? diantaranye azam thn ini...

1. maintain my pointer ( hampir2 tecapai) insyallah
2. reduce my bad habits... ( shopping n wasting money tak tentu pasal) heheh
3. be a good daughter & sister & girlfriend & aunty & friend ( will try my best)
4. jaga keshtan( elak msk pusraei n IJN)
5. more saving for future ( MYVI@ honda city , other stage, mcm2 lg la)
6. be a good driver ( biar lmbt asalkan selamat)
7. less naugthy and more ayu.. hehhehe
8. try to be independent.. ( nak beli pape try kumpul wet sendiri la) heheheh

rasanye stkt ni je kot.. heheh kalo ada akan diupdatekan kemudian... bebnyk pun tak tentu lg leh wat kan...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

coretan di ptg hari...

i can't remember the exact moment i fell in love with you, it happened in the blink of an eye and the beat of my heart. i didn't plan it or expect it, but i;m glad it happened, and now i cannot imagine my life without you.. i need u each morning before i can face the world, i need you at the end of a long day when i want nothing more than the shelter of ur arms, you are so much a part of me, i can no longer tell where i stop and you begin.. i love you with every breath i take... and i want out love to last a lifetime....

you : mohd nor hafiz mohamad <3>

Monday, January 4, 2010

im so happy ~

today i'm so happy.. smile n feel want to shout to everyone i'm so happy.. =D bgn je tdo tewus on laptop... nak check result utk lastresult aku b4 g prac... hihihi baru nak buka, ma bestiest kol... during da call she already on her lappy n check our result... suddenly she's shout... 'naddia result da kua'!! time tu aku rasa jntg dub dap dub dap... alhamdulillah we passed all subject... lama da tak tgk result cntk je.. hihi pastu ape lg ktaowg sambg la kepo2!!... hihi mklm je la pmpuan kan.. dulu kepo2 dlm blk b'2 face to face.. skang kena guna phone... hihihi da tak sblk n serumah lg... really miss dat moment... huhuh
i would like to tq very2 much to my parent& bro& c's inlaw& my ayg & all my friends... tanpa u'll sy x mgkn berjaya... ;)