Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Strong people know how to keep their life in order. Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say "I am okay" with a smile.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Bukan mudah untuk membina hubungan yang terus bahagia. Kadang-kadang pertanyaan dan jawapan membawa padah kepada si pasangan. Jadi, hati-hatilah soal apa yang harus dan tidak harus diceritakan kepada pasangan anda. Ada beberapa tips yang perlu kita tahu: 

  • Jangan buat lelaki patah semangat terhadap pekerjaannya. Sebaliknya cubalah membantu.
  • Janganlah hendak diperbesarkan jika pendapatan anda melebihnya. Boleh menyinggung perasaan dia beb!
  • Jangan membandingkan dia dulu dengan sekarang.
  • Jangan benci ibunya.
  • Jika ilmu kamu lebih darinya, janganlah cuba mengajarnya melainkan dia ingin belajar dari kamu.
  • Jangan cerita tentang keburukan kawan baik lelaki itu. Kawan penting bagi lelaki.
  • Jangan cerita tentang ada lelaki lain menyukai kamu atau ingin mengenali kamu.
  • Kadang-kadang cerita tentang kawan lelaki kamu membuat dia cemburu dan kurang senang. So kurang-kurangkanlah yer.
  • Perkataan cerai atau putus. Memang satu perkataan yang lelaki tak boleh dengar. Eloklah kamu hindarkan.
  • Jangan cerita tentang keburukan pasangan anda. Lelaki juga sensitif. Jika perangai atau kelakuannya, bincanglah secara lembut.
  • Jangan sebut tentang bekas teman lelaki. Ini pedih bagi lelaki.

~ MaMaT ~

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rules of <3

Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

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Saturday, May 5, 2012


Love is a short work, easy to spell, difficult to define, and impossible to live without.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Cinta is love

I love you when you least deserve it, because I know that's when you need it the most.

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Thursday, May 3, 2012


Those nights when you can't sleep, you just might be in someone else's dreams.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Did u know her very well?

A real boyfriend knows his girl like the back of his hand. he knows when she's mad, sad, aggravated, happy, hurt, because that's his girl.

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Me & him

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Your choice

Go for someone who is not only proud to have you, but will also take every risk and chance just to be with you.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

I wonder

I've always been afraid of losing people I love.

Sometimes I wonder,
is there anyone out there afraid to lose me.

~ MaMaT ~

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Without you

Without you... tomorrow wouldn't be worth the wait and yesterday wouldn't be worth remembering.


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Wordless Wednesday 8

~ MaMaT ~

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Test ur <3

Ladies, if he says "i love you" in front of his friends, he is proud of you.

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Love n hurts

In a relationship, the one who loves more is the one who hurts most.

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True <3

True love leaves a memory that no one can steal and a heartache that no one can heal.


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Mind or heart?

If you have reasons for loving someone, then you are using your mind, but if you love someone for no reason, then you are using your heart.

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Someone special

~ MaMaT ~

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Untuk semua

~ MaMaT ~

Friday, April 20, 2012


You mean so much to me, its almost killing me you don't feel the same way.

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No matter what our future brings, i promise i'll treasure my days with you forever more.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

i need you

Seluas langit di atas
Tak seluas cintaku ini
Sedalam palung lautan
Tak sedalam cintaku ini

Mengalir di dalam darahku
Sedekat hembusan nafasku
Cintaku untukmu ooh

Biar dunia menghina
Hatiku tetap cinta
Cause i miss you
Cause i need you

Biar dunia saksinya
Cinta kita berdua
Cause i miss you
Cause i need you

Cause i miss you, cause i miss you
And cause i need you, baby...


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Past is past

The brightest future always based on a forgotten past, you can't go on successfully until you let go of your past mistakes and failures.

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Good Relationships

Good relationships don't just happen,
They take time, patience,
and two people who want to be together


~ MaMaT ~

Monday, April 16, 2012

Distance is not the reason

Distance means so little when someone means so much for you.

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A successful relationship consists of two things, finding out the similarities and respecting the differences.

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

As Long As U Love Me

I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me
Who you are
Where you're from
Don't care what you did
As long as you love me

Don't care what is written in your history
As long as you're here with me


~ MaMaT ~

Within the limit


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Very true indeed

because guy like that
very hard to find.
Lucky u.

~ MaMaT ~

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Killer


~ MaMaT ~

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wordless Wednesday 7

~ MaMaT ~


My love for you is a journey,
Starting at forever and ending at never. ❤


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hadirnya Cinta

Kau permata, kau lah intan,
Di sanubariku.
Kau pujaanku, kau idamanku.

Sinar rembulan, menerangi jiwa,
Oh asmaraku,
Kau yang ku rindu, hangatnya cintamu.

Tiada yang lain, kau lah satunya,
Antara beribu.
Cintamu sehangat sinar mentari,
Membakar jiwaku.

Hadirnya cintamu, membawa bahagia,
Dalam hidupku.
Bagaikan bulan, dipagari bintang,
Di malam syahdu.


~ MaMaT ~

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Perhentian Trip

- naddia -

Saturday, April 7, 2012


1st time tengok mashed potato yg sangat besar

~ MaMaT ~

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Warmness On The Soul

We have gone through good and bad times.
But your unconditional love was always on my mind.
You've been there from the start for me.
And your love's always been true as can be.

I give my heart to you.
I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.


~ MaMaT ~

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Girl of My Dreams

You are the girl of my dreams In my heart, I believe
You are the girl of my dreams, baby
Of my dreams

All alone, in my room
Wishing that you were here
Without you, in my arms I'm holding back all of the tears
Without you in my life I'll never be satisfied


Sometimes I feel I could have been better to you
All I wasnt is a chance
To prove that my love is true
Without you in my life I'll never be satisfied


Baby let's go back in time
To when our hearts would shine
And I could hold you tight In my dreams at night

~ MaMaT ~

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Long Distance Relationship

Distance does not ruin someone's relationship,
You don't have to see someone everyday to be in love.

~ MaMaT ~

Friday, March 30, 2012

8C Sebab Suami Benci Isteri

Lelaki mempunyai ego mereka tersendiri. Jadi mereka tidak suka dicabar terutama sekali oleh wanita. Wanita perlu tahu batas tindakan mereka agar lelaki tidak rasa tercabar.Isteri kalau bergaduh dengan suami mulalah kata “Kalau awak berani cubalah cari perempuan lain! Dr Fadillah kata JGN CABAR SUAMI… nanti suami buat betul-betul isteri juga yg putih mata…

Cabul ni bermaksud keji dari segi perangai sehingga seseorang wanita itu langsung tidak malu. Misalnya bergaul bebas dgn lelaki yang bukan muhrim tanpa menghirau batas pergaulan.Juga perbuatan & kata2 isteri yang tak sopan (isteri hilang sifat malu)seperti keluarkan kata2 yg tidak baik pada mertua…

Wanita yg cantik akan kelihatan hodoh jika mulutnya celupar.Celupar lebih kurang cabul juga. Isteri selalu cakap yang tidak manis, selalu terlepas cakap pada suami sehingga membuat suami jauh hati.

Terdapat wanita yg cantik tetapi comot. Comot ini samada melibatkan wajah wanita itu, penampilannya yg selekeh,kerja yg dilakukan serta tindak-tanduknya. Contohnya, isteri bila nak keluar rumah baru nak bersolek dan comel tapi kat rumah comot. Suami pula di tempat kerja asyik pulak nampak yg comel2 aje… Ada isteri kata – mekap untuk suami,tapi kat rumah tak praktik pun.

Cemburu perlu dalam sesuatu hubungan.Tetapi wanita yg terlampau cemburu hingga pasangannya merasa terkongkong akan membawa padah kepada perhubungan mereka. Ini membuatkan lelaki akan rasa diri mereka tidak dipercayai. Suami lemas kalau isteri cemburu berlebih-lebihan. Sikit2 dok telefon suami kat tempat kerja. Suami baru balik kerja dah kita tanya macam-macam. Suami balik lewat overtime dah syak yg bukan2…
Kata ulama hati wanita terletak pada mulutnya.Oleh itu wanita perlu mengawal percakapannya. Suami tak suka bila isteri cerewet tak bertempat. Contohnya kalau suami bawa makan luar, isteri nak tempat yang class2 aje. Restoran nak ada air-cond aje.

Buat kerja rumah cincai, masak cincai, kemas rumah cincai, jaga anak cincai.Dr Fadillah kata suami paling benci bila isteri cincai jaga anak…anak dah masuk longkang tapi mak dok lepak depan tv lagi….

Kebiasaan lelaki tidak suka jika pasangannya cuai terutama apabila ia melibatkan masa. Misalnya apabila suami menetapkan keluar jam 3 tetapi pada masa yg ditetapkan isteri masih sibuk bersiap,bersolek, mengemas.Ini akan membuatkan mereka benci kerana situasi sebegini.

8C ini lambang keperibadian muslimah yang lemah akhlaknya.Berpelajaran tinggi belum tentu tinggi akhlaknya. Tapi kita insan yg mudah lupa & lalai… ada masa2 tertentu, mungkin juga kerana sifat suami & keadaan sekeliling yang buat kita mempunyai salah satu ciri2 8C tu.Renungkanlah…

~ MaMaT ~

Thursday, March 29, 2012


My love for u is like a wind i can’t touch it but i can feel it all over my body u are the reason why am breathing every time i look in to your eyes i see peace and and everlasting love i will always love u


By My Side

You're all I need, you're everything
Don't worry I'll never let you go
I just wanna hold you
I just wanna kiss you
I just wanna love you all my life
I normally wouldn't say this
But I just can't contain it

I want you here forever
Right here by my side


~ MaMaT ~

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wordless Wednesday 5


Wordless Wednesday 4


Wordless Wednesday 3

~ MaMaT ~

Wordless Wednesday 2

~ MaMaT ~

Wordless Wednesday

~ MaMaT ~

Khas Buat NFZ Tersayang

jangan di kata diri tidak cantik..jangan merasakan diri tidak menawan..jangan mengeluh diri tidak menarik..

Cantik itu Subjektif

cantik di mata kamu tidak semestinya cantik di mataku..buruk di mataku tidak semestinya buruk di mata mereka..

jika ditanya kepadaku, akan ku katakan dirimu begitu cantik persis bidadari atau si pari-pari walau tidak pernah ku lihat bagaimanakah cantiknya bidadari atau si pari-pari..bagi ku, kau lah bidadari di dalam hatiku..kau lah si pari-pari di dalam jiwaku..

~ MaMaT ~

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

love story

Bila cinta endapkan semua harapan
Jalan terjal dan mematikan pasti ku tempuh juga
Bila cinta seribu tahun akan ku tunggu
Walau tubuh tertimbun bukit tanganku menggapaimu

Love story let’s make a history
Sejarah kisah cinta kita menguasai bumi
Mengalahkan semua yang paling terindah

Love story let’s make a history
Biarpun seribu bencana meremukkan tubuh kita
Namun cinta kita tetap akan utuh

Love story

Bila cinta (bila cinta) seribu tahun akan ku tunggu
Walau tubuh tertimbun bukit tanganku menggapaimu (menggapaimu)

Meremukkan tubuh kita namun cinta kita tetap akan utuh
Love story, love story, love story


Monday, March 26, 2012

Missing Piece

I feel like a boat without a sailor
I go where the wind blows
Just moving around like a lonesome stranger
I got no home

In search of a treasure
Some place I don’t know
It feels like forever
I’m making my way
Through the hills and deserts
I thirst for hope

I don’t know
What I’m looking for
But I’ll know
When I find it

There is a missing beat
Inside of me
The rhythm of my heart
Hits unevenly
There’s a missing piece
Inside of me

Trying to figure it out
But it amounts to nothing
I want to realize
But nothing I find
Ever feels like the real thing
Can you empathize?

I don’t know
What I’m looking for
But I’ll know
When I find it


I’m lost inside
A cold bitter world
I can’t understand the need
It’s makes it so hard to breathe



~ MaMaT ~

Rest of My Life

I wanna to tell you that I

I just wanna hold you and I

Kiss you and don’t wanna see you cry

I wanna to tell you that I

I just wanna hold you and I

Will love you till the day I die

For the rest of my life


~ MaMaT ~

Saturday, March 24, 2012

bite me

When you are in love you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.


~ MaMaT ~

Friday, March 23, 2012

With You

With you
I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you'll catch me right before I hit the ground
With nothing but a T-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby as I do now
Now that I'm with you


~ MaMaT ~

~ kerinduan ~

Love is like season. Some days we are burnt in the hotness of love passion, some days our autumn ego leaves fall down for the sake of our loved ones, some days are so winter-cold due to arguments. Yet the flower still blossoms - ever so beautiful, ever so meaningful, ever so lovely.


~ MaMaT ~